Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Save the doggie, Save the World

A dog is yelping out in pain. Went up the step ladder to look over my back garden wall. A black dog is stuck inside the drain outside by the wall. Tried to help it get out but it started barking & growling. It looks like it's badly injured, probably been hit by a car.I think it's leg is broken, the poor thing. Gave it a bowl of water and some shade from the hot sun. I've called up DBKK to send some help over to get it out of the drain and do what's necessary. A very nice lady by the name of Maria assured me that she'll try and get someone over as soon as possible.I can't bear hearing the poor doggie yelping in pain any longer. :(

oh..and yeah..don't mind the title of this post..I'm one of those Heroes fan..heh


  1. Anonymous12:52 pm

    Poor doggie... hope he'll be okay.

    Save Mr. Muggles, Save the World!!! ;)

  2. 'm still waiting for them to get here... :(

  3. Anonymous2:53 pm keshian!
